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Beautiful Blue Sky

Words flow from the edges of my mind,

Swirling, whirling, twirling all around.

And every moment that I feel like I'm lost,

It's the words that help me to be found.

Sometimes I hate it,

All the thoughts and memories that I hold inside,

And there's plenty of days when I wish I could hide.

But there's also days when the world seems so beautiful,

And it makes me want to break down and cry,

Because it makes me want to live,

And have someone with my secrets to confide.

I'm not a stranger to rage,

Or to pain and blood,

But now when I feel it, I'm glad I'm not numb.

Because when my mind goes blank,

I have no control,

And when I wake back up,

In my chest lies a black hole.

So I'll live for today,

And maybe tomorrow as well,

Because there's too much too lose,

And I'm tired of wandering Hell.

So if there's anyone lost,

I may not be the best guide.

But hopefully I can reach it,

That beautiful blue sky.

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