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Dear Aspects of My Life


Dear Fate,

What is mine?

Dear Life,

Mistake me not; I am one of you, yet none of you. I am only half of you, yet I am all of me. Therein lies my power. You could try to walk in my shoes, but none of you will ever succeed. There is only one of me, but many of you. This is why you may break me, but you can never defeat me. Life, you can knock me down, but I’ll get back up. I shall never bend the knee and bow to you, as I answer only to me and my own. You are beneath me. Should I ever give up, then call upon me as your slave. Until then, nothing shall stop me. Throw an army in front of me, and I shall slaughter all my foes. You want me to jump off a cliff, but I shall keep climbing. Do you not see, dear Life, I am a warrior, and nothing you can do will ever mortally wound me. I am the phoenix that rises from the ashes, the lone wolf that is unstoppable, the laugh that shatters the silence, the pebble that sends ripples through a pond. I am the one who defies all odds. And from now on, I make my own destiny.

Dear Death,

So you thought that I was weak and foolish? Did you really think that you could conquer me that easily? I have no wish to join your army; and I do not plan on feeling your cold embrace for many years. But mark my words, when I join you, I shall go down fighting. Now, I respect you, don’t get me wrong, but if you try to interfere with me again, I will be a worthy adversary, and no longer a friend. But for now, may we be allies in this cold world, and when my time to join you comes, you will find me unresisting and without complaint.

Dear Love,

Where are you when I need you most? I used to be forever happy, always smiling and laughing in the face of fear. But now, it’s all just a fool’s charade. I am crying and dying on the inside, from wounds that will never heal. Where did you go in this hostile world? I need more of you in this cold, dark place. They say that we must spread you around, but how can we? Strangers keep to themselves, and we only share you with people we know. Please come back to me.

Dear Hope,

You’ve been wonderful to me. Even when Despair fills me, you’re by my side. Never far away, you’re my best friend. Need I say more?

Dear Despair,

Why are you mean? I don’t hate you, but could you back off and leave me alone for a while? No offense.

Dear Darkness,

I am through with you. Just kidding! I enjoy your company. You are filled with terrible, beautiful truths, and you keep my secrets safe. For this I thank you.

Dear Fear,

You tried to control me, but not anymore.

Payton Hudgins

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